The pattern of object creation and object death in this application benefits from the gencon policy's absence of fragmentation and rapid collections of sparsely populated nurseries. 在这个应用程序中,对象创建和灭亡的模式受益于gencon策略没有碎片和稀疏填充婴儿区域的迅速收集。
The death benefits were implemented in 2011 but they have not been revealed to the public until now. 这条死亡福利从2011年起就已经开始生效了,只是直到最近谷歌公司才把这条福利公布于众。
Google's chief people officer Laszlo Bock has revealed a new death benefits that means employees are covered not just in life, but in death. 谷歌公司首席人力官拉兹洛-博克近日在接受采访时透露了一份新的遗属福利。这意味着谷歌的员工即使离世,也能享受到公司的福利。
With the "death of distance", we are no longer limited by physical location – and the benefits are legion. 随着“距离的消失”,我们已不再受实际所处位置的限制,这一点为我们带来的利益不一而足。
An insurance policy stipulating death as the prerequisite for the payment of the insurance benefits shall not be transferred or mortgaged without the written consent of the insured. 依照以死亡为给付保险金条件的合同所签发的保险单,未经被保险人书面同意,不得转让或者质押。
The distinguished features of the universal life include randomly paying for premium, variable determining manners for cash values and the optional ways of death benefits. 全能寿险具有保费随机缴纳、现金价值确定方式不同,死亡给付方式具有可选性等鲜明特征。
BANGKOK ( Reuters)-In a bid to bolster the economy at a time of global gloom, Thailand is to allow retired civil servants to spend up to half their death benefits while they are still alive. 在当今全球经济不景气之际,泰国为促进经济增长,允许退休公务员在活着的时候提前支取死后所得抚恤金的一半。
A percentage of death benefits paid directly to policy holders having a short life expectancy ( usually 6 months). 死亡福利中直接付给即将过世(通常为六个月)的投保人的金额比率。
He believes that US politics will increasingly be characterised by a struggle for resources: The two major political parties are enmeshed in a death struggle to protect the benefits and goods that flow to their respective bases. 他认为,对资源的争夺将成为美国政治一个愈加重要的特点:两大主要政党为维护各自阵营取得的福利和利益展开了激烈争夺。
Huey said it was covered under my father's death benefits. 休易说我的学费是从我爸的补偿金里出的。
Death damage compensation is not a kind of relief measure to life rights itself, but the compensation to the loses of actual benefits because of the life rights violation. 死亡损害赔偿并非对生命权本身的救济,而是对因侵害生命权所引起的各种现实利益损失的补偿。
Pig embryonic death lowers the litter size of female pig, and further the economical benefits of pig production. 猪胚胎死亡直接影响着母猪的产仔数,并进而影响着养猪生产的经济效益。